Company: Bancroft Construction Company
Type: Construction Management Firm
- Created contacts data repository for one point of entry
- Created sync of contacts info to three different databases
- Created human resource reporting spanning several databases
- Created timesheet capture system and sync to P/R program
- Created project management reporting that captures data at specific moments in time
Jack Barr, Vice-President of Finance says: Your Tech Tamer has been a huge help in creating workable solutions for Bancroft's IT needs. As a large, regional construction management firm, our needs, along with those of our customers, are diverse. YTT's ability to create solutions that allow us the ability to connect multiple databases and allow us to collaborate between departments and with our customers, has put us ahead of our competition. We appreciate the attention to detail and professionalism in dealing with our entire staff.
He added that "if there is a challenging project, I look to YOUR TECH TAMER first, even if I know it is a project THEY won't handle. I always like to get THEIR opinion. Sandy's group is good at troubleshooting and has a holistic approach to making sure that THEY look out for their clients first. Not all consultants do that."
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