READ MORE ... Databases
DATA, DATA, DATA * I want my information and I want it now! ... cont'd
I can see the data that I want on my screen, but the format is all wrong
I have some of the data over here and some over here and some over there
I don't have any place to keep that information, so I keep it in Excel
I don't have that information anywhere, so I'll make it up as I go along
Each place that you go to look for your data is a database. Sometimes (often, these days) a database is in some electronic format. Other times, it is a ledger or a notebook or even on a series of napkins ...
Whatever the "format", each group of data is actually its own database. In other words, some databases are more "formal" than others. That's OK. There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with that, as long as, you can access the data quickly and easily and don't spend your life searching for the information, or trying to understand what you wrote down.
The basic tenants of any database should be the following:
A good database gathers common pieces of informationin one place
A good database makes sure that the information you gather is consistent
A good database allows you to compare and contrast different pieces of information
A good database allows you to gather large volumes of data in a fairly company 'container'
A good database allows you to avoid collecting repetitive data because it reuses one piece of information in multiple places
A good database allows you to analyze your data in a variety of ways ... just as you like it
How can Your Tech Tamer help?
If you have an existing database and want to enhance it, we can help.
If you have multiple databases, we can help you get them to work together more harmoniously.
If you have Excel spreadsheets that you'd like to convert to something more controlled, we can do it.
If you have napkins, we'll help you automate your "system".