Company: Dave Germond
Type: Custom Builder, VP, Procurement and Product Development
- Speced and created a system to automate the creation of a home building ‘bible’ in order to track transactions from contract to closing.
- Created one-button management reporting package to highlight exceptions to standard sales processes
Preparing for growth, a Virginia-based homebuilder brought in a new management team to build out the company, which in the years following grew from a $70 million to a $275 million business. As part of this new group of managers, Dave Germond was hired as the VP of Procurement and Product Development and also played a role in the day-to-day operations of the company. When he joined the company, one of his first tasks was to analyze the existing information systems for the homebuilder. The company had purchased a new computer system before Germond joined the company, but had very few automated solutions for its various functional areas. Most of the operations were still using manual processes.
In order to grow the company, Germond knew the homebuilder could leverage the new systems by implementing other software and solutions. While implementing an online sales system, Germond was introduced to Your Tech Tamer and found out how Sandy Clitter, founder of the firm, had helped other companies, both construction and non-construction related, integrate their systems and optimize their processes.
Germond explained why he and Your Tech Tamer worked so well together. “Sandy and I had similar experience in both business and technology, so she was an excellent resource to brainstorm ideas. She really ‘got it’ and knew how to move forward to meet the company’s objectives. She was a perfect match to help us integrate our systems and become more efficient and profitable.”
One of the projects Your Tech Tamer worked on with this homebuilder was to develop a “bible” to track all aspects of building an individual home. The solution pulled in all the various elements from design and color schemes to selling prices, materials and product costs. Using the “bible”, the builder was able to more efficiently complete jobs as a result of accurate information, from multiple sources, provided in one quick glance.
The homebuilder was also using a construction software product that was extremely helpful in streamlining its processes, but lacked strong reporting capabilities. Your Tech Tamer worked with Germond to create 15-20 reports, including reports on what was selling and not selling, profit margins and cost analyses. SLC wrote the reports, extracted the data from the construction management software and created easy-to-understand management reports in an Excel format – all without ever re-keying any of the data.
“By automating our processes, we were able to reduce mistakes, cut back on duplicate data entry, improve overall efficiency, and reduce the manpower required to perform certain tasks,” explained Germond. “These were significant cost savings and helped bring more credibility to our company as a 21st century business.”
“Sandy’s ability to work out of the box makes her amazing at what she does,” added Germond. “She does not believe in being restricted by software package limitations or guidelines. Sandy was a life saver. She has found her niche. She was able to help us leverage our software products and systems and optimize those business operating tools. Because she has worked inside both business and the technology industry, she has a better understanding and grasp of both areas more than any other person I have met. You don’t have to explain the business to her. She just gets it!”
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