Author Archives: Sandra Clitter

Sandra Clitter is the President of Your Tech Tamer, LLC

HTTP or HTTPS: What’s the difference and why should I care?

(Another question from one of our readers…thanks for helping me with ideas!) I don’t know about you, but as each day passes, I find that more and more of my daily financial transactions occur on the web. I check my bank balances online. I write checks online. I get my statements online. I order books […]

Convert a PDF Document back to Word
(or Excel or Powerpoint)

(This topic is at the request of one of our readers. If you have a specific request, please feel free to drop me a note and I’ll see what I can do!) Back in December, we wrote about creating PDF’s for free (to check out that topic, please click here), and why you might want […]

More Keyboard Shortcuts – highlighting a word or paragraph

This is just going to be short and sweet today, gang. Somehow, the number of hours in a day are simply not stretching to cover the amount of work on my desk!! 🙂 A few weeks back, I did a post on Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts. People seemed to enjoy picking up one or two […]

From the ashes (well actually, puddles) of a disaster…

Backups…one of ‘those’ words that no one wants to think about/deal with/contemplate. I know, it should qualify as a 4-letter word. Alas, it’s a lonely, 6-letter word (or 7-letter if its plural). I’ve ‘learned the hard way’ often enough (meaning I’ve lost data when a hard-drive fried or whatever) to be pretty good (Note: pretty […]

Dealing with Technophobia (fear of technology)

As some of you may have picked up during these discussions, while I am often considered a ‘techie’ by people who are intimidated by technology, I’m really not an early adopter (typically) of technology. I tend to take my time, allow other people to ‘take the lumps’, and then, when the technology (whatever it is) […]

Lessons from my 83-year-old Uncle

Do you ever have those moments of total clarity? Moments when you step back, look at something, and say ‘why didn’t I see that before’, or ‘why didn’t I think of that’, or whatever? Some people call them ‘Aha’ moments. Well, I recently had a two MAJOR ‘aha’ moments. Let me set the stage. My […]

Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts

Hi, All! Sorry that I’ve been remiss in my postings…its not for lack of subject matter, but more from a hectic holiday season and end of year work. Anyway, that’s not excuse, but it is an explanation (of sorts). Now, I haven’t upgraded to Windows 7 as of yet, but I know that more and […]

Does a sluggish or slow computer mean I need to buy a new one?

I don’t know about you, but I get very annoyed by the concept of ‘disposable technology’. What you ask, is that? “Disposable technology” implies that there is a planned obsolescence in the gadgets and gizmos that we buy. In truth, that’s correct. Technology is being developed so quickly, that before you even unpackage that brand […]

Happy Holidays! The Nativity seen through 2010 eyes

OK…so I hadn’t intended on posting again before next week, but this link just landed in my Inbox and had me laughing so hard that I just had to share it. Those who really feel that Social Media is intrusive will laugh, as will people who see the value in it. I have no idea […]

Does your computer have alot of programs you never use?

It’s almost the New Year (well, 10 days away), and close enough to start thinking about my New Year’s resolutions. Every year, my first resolution (after ‘taking more time for myself’) is to clear off my desk and clean up my computer. I do NOT want to admit how I fare on any of the […]