Author Archives: Sandra Clitter

Sandra Clitter is the President of Your Tech Tamer, LLC

A Great Example of the Power of Social Media

I’m sorry that I’ve been remiss in writing. It’s certainly not for lack of ideas! My list grows longer and longer…it’s the time to write (or lack thereof) that gets me! My apologies. All kinds of fascinating things have come to my attention recently, but one really caught my eye. Most people will admit that […]

Is there an easier way to access my “Cloud” storage?

In the last post, we discussed some free off-site computer storage which can be accessed from anywhere. If you have started using Amazon Cloud Drive storage or Google Docs or some other ‘cloud’ storage, you might find the various interfaces confusing, or get tired of always having to sign in to these alternate accounts to […]

Simple, free way to begin using “Cloud” computing

What the heck is ‘cloud computing’ and why do I care? If I decide I care about it, how can I take advantage of it? First of all, there’s a good chance that you’re already taking advantage of ‘cloud computing’ – whether you know it or not. If you use your browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, […]

Another tool to keep your computer running in a tip-top manner

I used to have an acquaintance that said she never wore the same blouse twice. What? What do you mean? I probably wear my blouses for way past their ‘best look’ lifespan. How could this person not wear a blouse twice? Well, I started paying attention, and darned if she didn’t wear a different blouse […]

What does “Defrag” do anyway?

OK…so you know that you’re supposed to “defrag” your computer, but most people don’t know why they’re doing it, or what it’s supposed to accomplish. Others don’t know where/how to do it. Here’s a quick lesson. “Defragging” your computer is short for ‘defragmenting’. Computer hard drives get disorganized as information is added and deleted. While […]

Lessons a Phila Biz Learned Updating Its Old Website – Tips for Hiring a Web Developer

One of my clients, Ellen Fisher (Publisher of the Women’s Yellow Pages of Greater Philadelphia) and I had the pleasure of speaking with Joseph Mutidjo, a reporter for The following is a reprint of the article he wrote describing the process we went through when updating Ellen’s website. Lessons A Phila Biz Learned Updating […]

What the heck is an ‘add on’, ‘add in’, or ‘plug in’?

Does it seem to you like you need to learn a new language every week as technology marches forward. First, you figure out that a ‘mouse’ isn’t some small, furry creature hiding in your walls. Next, a ‘virus’ isn’t something that you have to go to the doctor to cure. Then, ‘tweet’ is no longer […]

Using the Power of Google to Help the Victims in Japan

I’m sure that many of us are feeling overwhelmed by the devastating news coming out of Japan – overwhelmed, disbelieving, helpless…the list goes on and on. I keep wondering ‘what else can go wrong’, and then something does – from potential nuclear meltdowns to freezing weather. While I can certainly donate money to the Red […]

Cheap and easy way to capture screen shots of your computer

Whether you’re trying to create documentation in a ‘how to’ manual, or send a screenshot to your boss, or trying to explain to Tech Support what’s going on with your computer, being able to do isolated screen captures is a marvelous capability to have. First, you should know that to capture your entire screen, you […]

Lessons in kindness to use in business and daily life…

For those of you who don’t know, I live outside of Philadelphia, PA, in an area surrounded by venerable colleges and universities. In some places, you can throw a rock in any direction and ‘hit’ an institution of higher learning. This last week, I heard of an event that occurred between two of those institutions, […]