Author Archives: Sandra Clitter

Sandra Clitter is the President of Your Tech Tamer, LLC

Making your website mobile-friendly…you have to do it!

Greetings, All – I am so sorry for the lack of posts this past month…Honestly, it feels like I just wrote the last post a week ago, and it’s already a month old. Oye! How does that happen?!?! First, a very Happy Thanksgiving to all our readers here in the United States. It is a […]

Want to read web pages later and from your other devices?

How many times have you found yourself waiting in line, sitting in a doctor’s office waiting room, racing to meet someone for a lunch or coffee only to get that text that says ‘Sorry, but I’m running 15 minutes behind’? I can answer for myself – often (I’m also a perennially early person – when […]

Creating and Editing your Microsoft Office docs on your iPad

As many of you know, I was a late adopter to the iPad world. I didn’t get my iPad until the latest release last spring (2012). While I love the easy of use/access, I was having a hard time swallowing the need to purchase an App to effectively edit my Microsoft Office documents (after all, […]

How do I convert my Video/Audio files to view/listen on my PC?

There are what feels like a million different audio and video formats – each of which plays on a different device. GRRRRRRRR!!!! So frustrating…I never seem to have the correct format for the correct device. A good friend of mine had to take video for work, then upload it to the web in a WAV […]

Dropbox – What is it? Why do you have to have it?

Sorry I’ve been MIA lately…I have a cartoon hanging on my refrigerator which says ‘Summer – where laziness meets respectability’. Somehow, while I’ve been busy all the time, I haven’t been as concerned about meeting non-client related deadlines…until Labor Day hit…now I’m trying to get back into the saddle and get going! Anyway, you don’t […]

Modems, Routers and other things with too many wires attached

I feel like it’s time for another ‘Uncle’ update. Those of you who are regular readers know that my uncle is 85-years-old and LOVES technology. He’s pretty good at it, too. Pretty self-sufficient actually. He can put me to shame on some things. Interestingly, I got a 911 email from him just the other day. […]

Password Protect PDFs

We’ve all done it…we’ve sent an attachment to an e-mail that contains information which shouldn’t be ‘shared’ with the public. Think documents which contain passwords or social security numbers or things of that nature. Maybe it’s a contract that has sensitive information. It could be pretty much ANYTHING that you don’t really want to share […]

Move over, Kingsoft Office Suite has arrived

One of the most expensive pieces of software that I have on my laptop is Microsoft Office. I consider it invaluable…but I use it – intensely – each and every day. Many people don’t. Many people view/manage their email through webmail or on their smartphone. Others don’t work with Spreadsheets or Word documents very often, […]

Create Your Own PDF Forms – you know…fill in the blanks

PDF documents are pretty ubiquitous. Many of us who work in offices see them every day. Most times, they are just text, or text and images. Someone saved a Word document into a PDF format, so it can’t be edited, but can be read by everyone (well, everyone who has a PDF reader – and […]

Legitimate Internet Threat – July 9th – You COULD lose your internet connection…

There is so much misinformation on the internet and about the internet, that sometimes it is hard to tell truth from fiction. This time, rumors that you might lose your internet connection on July 9th, 2012 ARE LEGITIMATE!!!! The more technical description circulating about this malware is ‘DNS Changer’ (which means nothing to most non-technical […]