Author Archives: Sandra Clitter

Sandra Clitter is the President of Your Tech Tamer, LLC

Gentle Nudge to all you procrastinators: Windows XP support ends next week – April 8, 2014

Oh, my…where on earth does the time go? Sorry I’ve been AWOL, but first the holidays hit, then the winter that wouldn’t end, and before you know it, the calendar turns to April. Wow. This is a quick, gentle reminder to everyone who is still nursing along an old Windows XP machine and doesn’t want […]

Control your desktop from your iPad, Android, iPhone, or Tablet – Seriously

Happy Fall, everyone! If you live in the Northeast, I hope that you didn’t wash away in the deluge this weekend. It feels like fall now…leaves turning, Halloween decorations out, cooler weather. Time to settle in for the race to the New Year (yikes!). When I was shopping the other day, the entire front wall […]

It’s Friday, so how about BYOD?! (nope…not a typo)

When will “techie” people ever get tired of acronyms? Probably never. It’s a Friday afternoon, so I’m thinking about the BYOB (Bring Your Own Bottle) policy that one of the local eateries has, and trying to decide if that would be a good place for dinner. Enter into my mailbox a questions about BYOD (note […]

SEO – top organic rankings, keywords – and avoiding scare tactics

Many of my clients have heard me go off on a rant or two about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and how to avoid getting taken to the cleaners by people promising you extraordinary ranking results. What is SEO, you ask? SEO is the ability of a search engine (e.g. Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) to locate […]

Why does my computer start up so slowly?

Ah…remember when you first got your new computer (like I did just a couple of weeks ago), and it starts up almost immediately? Back when the time from pressing the ‘on’ button to being able to do something productive wasn’t measured with a sundial? Want to get your computer back in ‘fighting’ shape? Enter your […]

Should I remove a program from my computer?

WOW…where does the time go? I have no excuses for being AWOL. I do, however, have tons and tons of ideas for articles…many of which can be attributed to the fact that my laptop died on me last week…Yup…done…over…kaput. As an aside (skip over this paragraph to the next paragraph if you’re interested in the […]

Free Meeting Organizer – boy, does this save time and emails!

I don’t know about you, but for me one of the most aggravating parts of the Administrative side of my business is trying to organize meetings. Who’s available when? How do I organize all of the responses? Usually, I create something in Excel that works – sort of – but it’s tedious and manual and […]

How can I split up a PDF into smaller segments or combine multiple PDFs into one?

How many times have you run into the situation where you have a large PDF and want to share just a portion of it with someone else…or, you have several PDF’s that you want to combine into one large one? Maybe you have the situation where you want a couple of pages from one PDF […]

USB Flash Drives – Don’t forget to wipe them before discarding them

Ahhh…those ubiquitous little USB drives that litter our desks, briefcases, pockets, purses. How handy they are. How easy to lose. And, typically, we carry our most important information on them – or our current ‘most important’ projects. Once you’re done with the drive, you may just hand it over to someone else to use, or […]

To upgrade to Windows 8 or not to upgrade…that is the question (and yes, my Uncle did it!)

Happy New Year, everyone!!! I hope that you all enjoyed your holidays. Now, its back to reality, working on your New Year’s resolutions and generally getting things ready for another productive year. Many of you may have gotten a Windows 8 device as a gift, or are considering a Windows 8 device in the New […]