Author Archives: Sandra Clitter

Sandra Clitter is the President of Your Tech Tamer, LLC

Quick and easy way to cut your printer ink charges

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I get really irked at the cost of ink for my inkjet printer. The printer cost me about $1.99 (well, not really, but after several years the cost of the printer is insignificant compared to the cost of the ink that I’ve fed it). The ink […]

Is your website safe from hackers? Probably not (but this isn’t meant to be a scary story)…

For the second time in less than a year, I found myself spending time this week dealing with a website that was ‘hijacked’ by someone with less than honorable intentions – it had been ‘hacked’.  What does that mean?  Do you need to worry about it?  How do you fix it if it happens?  While […]

What does your website look like on a Smartphone?

I’ve been working with a lot of people lately on websites – new websites, data-driven websites, new business websites, SEO recommendations, etc. As I’ve found myself in these discussions, I’ve found that there is one part of website discussions that does NOT come up as often as it should. That part is this question: HOW […]

How to shorten a longgggg URL to a short one (for ease of sharing)?

Recently, I’ve been asked how I’ve shortened some of the URL’s that appear in this discussion, so that they don’t go on for lines. In other words, how do I make them short and succinct, so that they are easy to share. In a word – easily (and free)!!! This is particularily important for some […]

Improve your presentation skills by learning from a master…

We’ve all been in the position of having to present information to a group of people – large or small. For some of us, that is a terrifying moment. Others thrive on it. I have a personal goal to become more comfortable speaking to larger groups, and have fun while doing it. I don’t rank […]

Welcome to the SLC Consulting blog!!

Welcome to the SLC Consulting blog!!!  Here we hope to share helpful tips and tricks that we’ve picked up along the way.  I heard a wonderful description the other day of the way different (ahem!) ages among us deal with technology. During the 20th century (yes, way back there), many people crossed the oceans to […]