THANK YOU and Happy Thanksgiving!

By Sandra Clitter  

Thanksgiving is the perfect opportunity to drop a quick note of thanks to everyone who has helped to make the launch of this blog so wonderful and rewarding. Readership is growing every day, thanks to you ‘getting the word out’ and being so supportive.

For those of us in the United States (for readers outside the US who might not know, Thanksgiving is actually only one day, Thursday, but we manage to make it into a four day celebration, an eating marathon, a shopping extravaganza and holiday kick-off party, all rolled into one), the Thanksgiving holiday is a time to sit back and take stock of our lives and those who are a part of it. It is a time to get off of the merry-go-round for a brief time, take a deep breath, and realize all that we have to be grateful for.

I am grateful for more things and more people than I can even begin to name (so I won’t), but rest assured, those of you who have supported me in this endeavor are among those for whom I am grateful! For that, I can simply say ‘thank you’.

I hope that each and every one of you has a safe and joyful holiday. Take time to say ‘thank you’ to those people in your life who matter to you and make a difference to you. You will make their day by doing so.

Now it is time to go bake some Apple Pies and be grateful that my mother passed her recipe on to me when I was 11 years old, so that the pies would forever be a part of my holiday dinners.

P.S. The calories don’t count at the Thanksgiving table, nor in the leftovers :-). Honest (fingers crossed figuratively behind my back).

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