I’m sitting in my office late on a Friday afternoon (post-closing time) waiting for one of my clients to call and say ‘the coast is clear’, so that I can do some off-hours work. While waiting, I decided that I could sift through some of the paper that seems to accumulate on my desk when I’m not looking. While doing this, I came across an Post-It with the single word “Halloween” written on it!
Hmmm…I don’t have anything particular planned for Halloween. I don’t have kids to worry about getting costumes ready for the big night. It’s a Sunday and the World Series will have Game 4 that night, so I didn’t plan anything else. Hmmm…
Then it dawns on me…I wanted to send people that I know a note about a MARVELOUS, INEXPENSIVE ($5.00) and EXTREMELY creative book on Halloween Costumes written by a wonderful woman by the name of Bonnie Neubauer. Bonnie loves games…any sort of games. That includes word games. Over the years, she’s accumulated an assortment of puns (she loves puns that make you groan), so she got industrious and published a downloadable book full of these low/no cost costumes which will make you the life of any party requiring a costume. Maybe you can even wear one to work on the 29th to get into the spirit.
If you want a laugh (or a groan) [even if you don’t need a costume] visit http://www.punnycostumes.com and check out the 252 creative costumes that Bonnie’s thought up for you. Next time I need a costume, I’m digging out my copy of “Punny Costumes” and picking out my favorite pun.
(Somehow, it seemed appropriate to post this on Halloween night while I’m moving previous articles from the LinkedIn discussion to the blog!)